Pick My Brain

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Our America

In America our banner is waved for the luxury of freedom and equality. And too often we have misrepresented, because not everyone is equal not everyone is free.

This shadow the people face is out on our street. In our home, even in our heart and mind; it hovers like a dark perpetual storm over our community blocking out the sun. This shadow feeds- No it thrives on ignorance, fear, and hate. Like cancer if not treated consumes and destroys lives. Discrimination is America’s shadow. This ignorance is not always skin deep. It is not just for race or gender alone. It is not just for orientations or religions, or if you are disabled. America’s shadow involves everyone it is everyone’s concern.

Discrimination takes away the belief of equality and can destroy the hopes of freedom. Without a solution, a treatment, this cancer can rip apart our families, our nation. A solution is to take away its power. Diminish ignorance with awareness through education. Conquer hate through love. Defeat fear with the courage to recognize it as only fear.

According to the FBI in 2008 there are nine-thousand one-hundred and sixty-eight reported offenses that accumulated nine-thousand six-hundred and ninety-one victims through hate crimes. Crimes brought on by discrimination.

Now; take a look around. Not just here at Job Corps but at home, on the streets, in the mirror. You are now and will see past, current, and future targeted citizens of this position. Whether you believe it or not! You or someone you know can be subjected to the cruelty of someone else’s ignorance, of their fears, of their dislike. Or someone you know is spreading their shadow over the life of another individual. I know how over whelming discrimination can be, but we don’t have to add to a fire that already burns. Join this cause and become aware of those differences and stand up to America’s Shadow! Stand against it! Please be conscious of our actions as a whole, as an individual we can win, we can be champions. We as a country, as a family, as friends; cannot allow discrimination to subjugate our America.

Friday, March 12, 2010


It is odd. How institutions run things.

I don't know what to think only what to feel.
Even then I sometimes don't know what to feel
and know what to think. THEN there are those
events where I can't figure out how to do both.

Since my Job Corps center is pretty low
on the Job Corps Center chain of centers.
Ours is on the verge of getting shut down for reasons
not shared with the students attending. I hear from teachers
that my Job Corps might get shut down in a year if they can't
get things straightened out. So they fire all the GED staff to be
replaced by new people. The thing is, all the GED teachers
were given a chance to apply for their jobs and
get interveiws. But it turns out that months before hand
the desicion to lay them all off had been already made.

Thats really messed up isn't there anything that can be done?

At the same time, I know that teaching a bunch of high school
drop outs and delinquints can be really hard. And not all of
Job Corps' population are delinquints or drop outs. I gradauted
from my high school and the only time I ever been in the
back of the police car was because I was miles from home.
And I really needed a ride, it was dark and cold. D: And the
second time was when my mum's car broke down and
the police officer was nice enough to give my friend and I
a ride home. Of course we couldn't resist the temptation of playing
a joke on the lady that lived with us. My friend Alan and I decided
that when we got in we would throw our hands up and tell her
that we were arrested. The poor lady, she looked so shocked
that she couldn't find the words to express her self. It was so hard
not to laugh that I did anyways and reassured her that nothing like
that happened.

It was funny though. =w=

Anyways, the students here are hard to keep under controle and
it is hard to get them to do anything but mess around. I don't know,
I hate the fact that I've lost my two club advisors for my club. And a
good friend, at the same time, I can see that the new staff could possibly
bring more order to the rebel students. *Sigh* I just don't know what to do
about it. I feel heartless at the same time I don't.

Really, though I think they should have kept the ones I had for my advisors.
I am not sure how well the new one will work out. I don't even know her

Friday, February 26, 2010

Today I had the most irrational thought and feeling.

When I was sitting in my dorm, I was looking at the ring  my fiancee` had
gave me and proposed to me with on Valentines Day. I love it a lot, so much
that my mind said that I very much wanted people to gaze on it and be jealous.
That they would want a ring just as nice as the one I have and perhaps find one
better. If they could. I so wanted them to look and gaze at it in want and admiration.

Then suddenly, I wanted to feel foolish for such a thought that I realized that I could
not possibly feel that way. Honestly, why would I feel foolish for the pride I have in
my ring that my love had given to me? I know that it is not the ring that matters but who
had given it to me. That is the reason why I wanted other people to swoon and flutter about
it. I wish people could understand how much I love the man I am with and not question me about
it or simply write it off as simply young, hastey, lust. Or 'Rushed Love' or as my family put it
because my man also has a son an 'instant family' I honestly resent that phrase ever came into

Such trecherous words! It is not a instand family I wanted! My future step son just so is part
of the family I want to have with Joey and I honestly would not have it any other way~!
Even if that adorable blonde haired-blue eyed boy is more trouble than a bundle of ferral kittens.
It really does add to the boys charm even if it will come with a few grey hairs. But those hairs will
be well earned and will mark more than just hardships and age but also experiance.

Anyways, I am feeling all hyped and throughly riled up! I am reading an exciting romance by
Nora Roberts and it is really amazing. She certainly has a way with words. I love the conflicts of the
characters and all the things that surround them in their lives that encompasses of a few pages in a book.
But it is so much more than that and it is something I can feel in my soul. Which lifts and squirms at every passage. It makes me think of my fiancee` and I miss him all the more by it. Sigh. I get so flustered easily over books and movies. Sometimes I feel stupid about being so easily affected. Ugh, but it is so much fun to allow my feelings run rampant with the books and movies. Allowing my tears to flow free at sad and happy moments and to get upset at the parts I don't fully agree with. Makes me squirm and giggle to think about it.

Sigh. Oh well. I just love reading and watching movies that can pull at the strings of my heart.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Poke`mon Souls

I got to see the game boxes for the new poke`mon games that is comeing out on March 14th.

It looks pretty awesome, and it looks like you can even walk around with the poke`mon you
choose as your partner. :3 I would LOVE to do that! But sadly... I can't. ;-;  My DS Lite got
stolen... And JUST as I finally got Buneary to evolve into Lopunny! *grr* I worked at that for
a YEAR... *sigh* Oh well. *shrugs* Just gotta save up for a new DS.. Maybe I'll get the DSI
then get a new Pearl or Diamond game and start all over again.

ANYWAYS. The new game looks nifty, maybe my friend who already bought the game in
advance will let me play it when she is done.. Maybe.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Woo Words


I made a new blog for my poems!


The blog is called "If Tears Were Wishes"

Perfect World

Woo! I get to play "Perfect World" again!

My fiance` is gonna down load it for me
I hope nothing goes wrong.  *squees*

I used to play! :3 I had a variatey of characters.

Here are some names!


o.o... Wait... Thats all the names I can remember...
At the moment! I wanna make a mermaid.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010